
Participation in workshop for the results of implementation of SCADA/EMS CK-2003 and Smart-FEM in UDO Belorussia
On May,22 there took place a workshop in UDO Belorussia for the results of implementation of new hardware-software system on the bases of SCADA/EMS CK-2003 and Smart-FEP.
All participants of the workshop made special mention of the high-quality results achieved in short terms. UDO experts' qualification and aspiration for new technologies had no small share in the success.

Operational testing of SCADA/EMS CK-2007 at TGC-8 plants
Operational testing of telemetric and communication systems at TGC-8, JSC is underway.
The core of the systems installed at objects of TGC-8 is state-of-the-art SCADA/EMS CK-2007 version 7.1, turned on in the mode without "central transmitter-receiver station" for data collection from measuring devices of the lower level ION, WAGO via Modbus protocol and new data retransmission into control centers of SO-CDU branches.

OTS "Finist"—coming soon
Beta of a new generation operator training simulator "Finist" had been presented in SO-CDU by Monitor Electric engineers.
New approaches to power system elements and regimes modeling were demonstrated.

The document of hardware-software solution "Electronic LogBook" commissioning availability was signed in SO-CDU UES
On August 15–17, 2007 the Acceptance committee worked in the Executive body of SO-CDU UES.
After considering the results of acceptance tests the Acceptance committee signed the report of hardware-software solution "Electronic LogBook" commissioning in SO-CDU UES availability.

SCADA/EMS CK-2003 implemented in AO Mosenergo
SCADA/EMS CK-2003 was successfully implemented in the central dispatching department of the largest territorial generating company in Russia—AO Mosenergo. In short terms SCADA was installed on the state-of-the-art hardware (blade servers, external disk storages). Experts of Mosenergo data-computing center (DCC) underwent training in the Training Center at Monitor Electric in Pyatigorsk. They organized receive of telemetric data from a central transmitter-receiver station together with the experts of RTSoft and Moscow RDO.

Data system creation at Novocherkasskaya HPP
On March, 30th a special committee held acceptance of the 2nd stage of data system creation at Novocherkasskaya HPP. New data system is being created according to requirements for the participants of balancing market. The works were done undertime by "RITEC-SOYUZ" and "Monitor Electric" companies with hands on of the plant experts.

Multilayer screen display system
On March, 28th in St.-Petersburg there took place meeting and testing of a new system for dynamic display of power system mode and parameters on the screen of Leningrad RDO. Multilayer screen display system was developed by Monitor Electric together with the "National Research and Development Institute of Electric Power Industry", Open JSC, "Shkola-Info" JSC with the help of Leningrad RDO, and works under control of SCADA/EMS CK-2003.

CK-2003 and "SmartFEP" complex is engaged in real operation phase in Chelyabinsk RDO
In 2004 Chelyabinsk RDO bought «SmartFEP» central telemetry data exchange station and SCADA/EMS system—OIC CK-2003.

SCADA\EMS CK-2003 in commercial operation at UDO Middle Volga
From July, 25th till July, 29th Monitor Electric experts performed works on preparation for commercial operation SCADA\EMS СК-2003 in the UDO Middle Volga.

Tambov RDO. Tests of hardware-software complex SmartFEP and SCADA\EMS СК-2003
Since June, 6, 2005 the System operator - CDO UES of Russia with attraction of experts of Joint-Stock Company "RTSoft" began campaign from carrying out of tests for readiness for input in commercial operation of a hardware-software complex on the basis of a server of telemechanics Smart-FEP and operative - information complex СК-2003, in 24 regional dispatching managements of power supply systems of the Central, Middle-Volga, Ural, Siberian, Far East and Northwest regions.