Automated supervisory control of substations with SCADA CK-11
Field tests of automated pilot control of power grid equipment with new SCADA CK-11 were held successfully involving Monitor Electric specialists at regional dispatch offices of SO UPS JSC UDO North-West, FGC UES PJSC, MPN North-West in July 4, 5.
CK-11 Certified to Be Used at Rosseti Group Control Centers
In December 2016 the Department for Interaction with Equipment Manufacturers approved the positive conclusion of Rosseti PJSC Attestation Commission confirming that Monitor Electric CK-11 software complex is recommended for use at Rosseti group control centers.
Monitor Electric Solutions Support New Microsoft Platform
Monitor Electric has launched migration of its software to new Microsoft platform.

CK-Proxy 1.3 new capability
Monitor Electric has released a new version of CK-Proxy communications processor. New CK-Proxy 1.3 features Data Exchange Monitor (DEM) – a web application designed for real-time analysis of telemetry data received via interconnected communication, as well as for control of channels based on IEC 870-5-104 and IEC 870-5-101 protocols.

CK-2007 certification
SCADA/EMS CK-2007 certification is complete according to the safety requirements of Federal Service for Technical and Export Control of Russia (FSTEC of Russia).
CK-Proxy aids System Operator's migration to the ICCP protocol
In February 2013, SO UPS and Monitor Electric accomplished migration of data exchange between main and supra-regional centers to the standard protocol IEC 870-6-503 (TASE.2, ICCP). Also a few regional control centers were involved. After a long testing period the ICCP protocol has become the main way for telemetric data exchange between System Operator control centers in Russia.
CK-2007 runs on iOS now
CK-2007 client for iOS – CKiMobile – is released in April, 2013. Now using the iPhone and iPad one can easily assess the developing situation at the controlled object or the state of a power system.
Certification of software products for network management centers is complete
On April, 8, the Board of JSC "FGC UES" approved the conclusion of the Certification Commission, according to which the Software complex for network management centers by JSC "Monitor Electric" meets standards and requirements of JSC "FGC UES" and JSC "IDGC Holding".
Start of new generation State Estimation software development
An agreement about co-development of a new generation power system state estimation software has been reached between Monitor Electric and V.L. Prihno, the creator of the widely used in Russia software suite COSMOS.
Compatibility of CK-2007 and SCADA-NPT Expert is verified
Specialists of Monitor Electric and EnergopromAvtomatizatsiya successfully completed compatibility tests of software-hardware complexes produced by the companies for data and supervisory control commands exchange.