Compatibility of CK-2007 and ASUTP PS based on Siemens equipment (SICAM PAS, SIPROTEC) is verified
Specialists of Monitor Electric and Siemens PTD completed the works for compatibility tests of software and hardware produced by the companies for data and supervisory control commands exchange according to IEC 60870-5-104.

Complex solutions for a generating company
23 June, Moscow. Monitor Electric held a workshop "Complex solutions for hierarchical automated system of commercial and technological management of a generating company."

Data exchange system for generating equipment configuration and parameters
Monitor Electric is in closing stage of creating the System for Data exchange for generating equipment configuration and parameters with market participants in format XML53500—"MODES-Terminal", custom-made for SO UPS.

COSMOS maintenance
Our company starts to provide services for the technical support of complex software "COSMOS", intended for operational modes calculation systems based on telemetry data.
Maintenance is carried out in close collaboration with its author—Prihno Vitaly Leonidovich.

SCADA/EMS CK-2007 development and testing complete
New generation of SCADA/EMS CK was designed to significantly improve accuracy and rate of data processing. The whole architecture was redesigned so that now all data would be stored directly into industrial DBMS.
Version 7.0 supports two time stamps accurate within milliseconds.

OTS Finist – First steps
In December, 2006 Monitor Electric experts held a meeting with SO-CDU representatives. The meeting was devoted to the modern requirements to OTSs.
An alpha version of a new OTS Finist by Monitor Electric was presented at the meeting. Examples of power flow solution at actual RDOs' schemes, model of transient, energy automatics model were also demonstrated.

The Universal Data Access Module is now available
The agreement for distribution of The Universal Data Access Module (UDAM) to UDOs of SO-CDU has been finally signed. Now SO personnel will have at their disposal a very handy tool for software development for SCADA/EMS CK-2003. UDAM is designed for easy development of client applications for SCADA/EMS CK-2003 within any development environment (including office applications that support script languages like VBA or VBScript) by means of OOP and OLE Automation technology. UDAM ensures easy access to read, write, subscription, event generation and other functions from external systems.

New release of SCADA/EMS CK-2003 v.5.0 is coming
It took us more than six months to develop new SCADA/EMS CK-2003. Now we're very close to the day when we will be proud to present its final version.
In the new release of CK-2004 both the system architecture and the functioning of certain subsystems were significantly improved.

СК-2003 It is open for developers
The output of the new version—3.3.3 SCADA\EMS СК-2003— is the important event in a life of a complex.
For the first time the Company Monitor Electric officially declares support in the new version of the high-grade tool of software developer for СК-2003— "The Universal Component of Data Access" ("UCDA").

Works on certification SCADA\EMS СК-200Х in body of certification in electric power industry - system "Ensertiko" are completed.
The Monitor Electric has received the document of conformity of a "SCADA\EMS СК-200Х" to the requirements showed to SCADA\EMS in control systems of electric power industry of Russia. A ruler of products СК-200Х make СК-2003 and new version СК-2006, specifications on which are at the moment authorized.