It took us more than six months to develop new SCADA/EMS CK-2003. Now we're very close to the day when we will be proud to present its final version.
In the new release of CK-2004 both the system architecture and the functioning of certain subsystems were significantly improved.
All the features of the new system platform Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 are fully supported. The new release will be able to function in the unified corporate network Microsoft Active Directory. Among the key improvements of SCADA/EMS CK-2003 are:
- New access rights management system
- Automatic SCADA/EMS servers' role reconfiguration within a domain
- Real-time database with enhanced speed characteristic and data buffering option
- New graphic display system fully compatible with TOPAZ Graphics v.4;data-engineering centralized system – NSI Studio
- New web-interface
- More than 200 updated features
SCADA/EMS CK-2003 v.5.0 Beta will soon be available for downloading and testing. The most active beta-tester will have exclusive priority for obtaining the final release. We will greatly appreciate our colleagues' efforts in testing this product.
Centralized supply of SCADA/EMS CK-2003 v.5.0 final to all branches of System operator CDU UES of Russia is scheduled for July-Sept., 2006. It's not that much time left, that's why we're so much interested with successful testing and most soon upgrade to SCADA/EMS CK-2003 v.5.0 final.
Please note that the licensing procedure also changed, mostly due to the new type of TOPAZ Graphics v.4 registration keys.For proper functioning of SCADA/EMS CK-2003 v.5.0 you will have to order new license key from Monitor Electric. Please mail your requests to:
You will be able to discuss all the questions as to CK-2003 installation and testing at a special section of our message board. As well you can send your questions and suggestions to: