Since June, 6, 2005 the System operator - CDO UES of Russia with attraction of experts of Joint-Stock Company "RTSoft" began campaign from carrying out of tests for readiness for input in commercial operation of a hardware-software complex on the basis of a server of telemechanics Smart-FEP and operative - information complex СК-2003, in 24 regional dispatching managements of power supply systems of the Central, Middle-Volga, Ural, Siberian, Far East and Northwest regions.
The management has made the decision as chief - supervision to direct Monitor Electric group of experts for participation in tests of a complex. Experts of companies RTSoft and branch of the System Operator have taken part in spent tests - Tambov RDO also. Works were carried out under the typical program and the technique of tests authorized by the central office. It has allowed to concentrate efforts of experts RTSoft and Monitor Electric on preparation program and hardware Smart-FEP and СК-2003 to input in commercial operation, to discuss with the operational personnel and to remove on real object of introduction of the remark to a complex, acted during performance of starting-up and adjustment works both from experts Tambov RDO, and from experts of other branches of the System operator.
Under real loading have been checked up more than 90 functions of complex in various operating modes, ability of a complex to restoration after failures is checked up. New function - work СК-2003 with server Smart-FEP in double-crate execution with one hardware and one program arbitrator - switchboard of telemechanical liaison channels, and also configure Smart-FEP from the centralized database describing a network of gathering of the information in СК-2003 has been successfully tested.
Teamwork in Tambov has allowed to develop the general recommendations on adjustment of complex, to lower expenditures of labour on carrying out of tests and probability of occurrence of remarks to a complex during carrying out of tests on the following objects. Despite of presence of a quantity of remarks on the part of the commission, tests in Tambov RDO have shown a high level of readiness CK-2003 to input in commercial operation.
From June, 6 till June, 10, 2005 tests have been successfully completed and acts of readiness for implementation of similar complexes in Astrakhan and are signed by Lipetsk RDO.