
SCADA\EMS СК-2003 versions 3.2 in commercial operation at Kuban RDO
Kuban RDO, the manager of power supply systems of Krasnodar territory and republic Adygea, exploits in commercial operation hardware-software complex SmartFEP and SCADA\EMS СК-2003. Introduction was carried out step by step. In November, 2004 СК-2003 was put into operation, working together with a server of telemechanics RPT-80, release of 1985. Since April, 2005, the complex works together with a server of telemechanics SmartFEP developed by RTSoft company.

Our software products are used in 50 cities of the Russian Federation!
Scale introductions of our software products: the SCADA/EMS CK-200x and a DTS Phoenix, spent by us and our partners send by an anniversary boundary. Our software products are in industrial, pre-production operation or at a stage of introduction in the power enterprises of 50 cities of the Russian Federation! We congratulate on this event our dear clients, partners and Monitor Electric staff.

January, 31 - February, 4. Regular session on acceptance of DTS "Phoenix"
The project on introduction of Dispatcher Training Simulator "Phoenix" on 25 objects (the UDO and RDO)—branches of the System Operator—is successfully completed. The process of performance of works on adjustment of a simulator for circuits of power supply systems of branches, training of the personnel and acceptance of simulators took eight months. The project was divided into four stages.

Began introduction SCADA/EMS CK-2003 in the RDO of St. Petersburg
Began input in pre-production operation SCADA СK-2003 in RDO of St. Petersburg. It operates modes of the power supply systems supplying with the electric power Saint Petersburg, the Leningrad and Pskov areas.
Installation of the complex and adjustment of base functions on reception of the telemechanical information, have been executed in December of the last year.

29 November–3 December our company conducted next session on the inspection of the Dispatcher Training Simulator "Phoenix"
Our company has conducted week session on transfer to customers Operator Training Simulators "Phoenix" adjusted to their power supply systems, in the city of Pyatigorsk.
Among customers were: Altai RDO, Volgograd, Voronezh, Krasnoyarsk, Tomsk, Yaroslavl RDO and the UDO Center.

Acquaintance the specialists of the Tyumen RDO with SCADA/EMS CK-2003
During the period from November, 17 till November, 19, 2004 in Pyatigorsk there was a group of experts of the Tyumen RDO IT-block, the manager of one of the largest power supply systems of Russia. An overall objective—acquaintance to operative—information complex CK-2003. Tyumen RDO experts had three days to get answers to all technical questions, they also visited objects on which CK-2003 is successfully maintained (UDO North Caucasus and RDO North Caucasus).

There is commercial operation CK-2003 v3.2!
In RDO North Caucasus by the decision of the commission the software-technical complex is entered into commercial operation in the following structure: a server of telemechanics "SmartFEP", SCADA CK-2003 versions 3.2 and a videoprojective board of firm "BARCO". The commission included RDO technical heads, UDO North Caucasus experts and experts from Joint-Stock Company Monitor Electric.