Kuban RDO, the manager of power supply systems of Krasnodar territory and republic Adygea, exploits in commercial operation hardware-software complex SmartFEP and SCADA\EMS СК-2003. Introduction was carried out step by step. In November, 2004 СК-2003 was put into operation, working together with a server of telemechanics RPT-80, release of 1985. Since April, 2005, the complex works together with a server of telemechanics SmartFEP developed by RTSoft company.
Kuban RDO experts initiatively came to introduction of the given difficult hardware-software decision. With consulting support of Monitor Electric and RTSoft, operational personnel executed huge work on CK and SmartFEP adjustment and information filling.
In database CK a tree power supply objects and the electric equipment, 4000 units numbering more, are one of the most full and worked among other objects of introduction СК-2003. It has simplified the further work of personnel RDO with a complex, has expanded a spectrum of used functions and SCADA tasks. In a network of telemechanics 40 directions of information interchange are described, the telesignal system signalling on serviceability and arising problems in work of a network of gathering of the information is actively used. Implementation of SmartFEP it is made by means of special means from database CK-2003. In an exchange of the accounting and scheduled information about the UDO of Northern Caucasus the emphasis is made on an intermachine exchange under report FDST working on digital liaison channels, the subsystem of an exchange on channels of telemechanics is adjusted by breadboard models DI and plays a role reserve. Specially for a projective board of firm BARCO experts Kuban RDO develop the complete set of graphic circuits of all objects of management. Communication with a task "The Forecast of consumption" from a complex of the balancing market is realized. Opportunities of the WEB-interface are also widely used.
At the moment in operation is СК-2003 versions 3.2b10. All updating personnel from Kuban RDO successfully establishes and tests independently, using testing domain CK-2003.