Operational testing of OTS Finist in regional dispatch offices of UDO North-West, UDO Siberia, and UDO Far East
Implementation of OTS Finist was completed at 20 objects of SO UPS branches: regional dispatch offices of UDO North-West, UDO Siberia, and UDO Far East.
The work was done in sequence in each UDO. Customer's specialists were trained in the special Training Centers as the final step of implementation at each specific UDO. Also OTS data model was thoroughly tested.
Start-up of the power station automated dispatch control systems at the Kola Peninsula Branch of TGC-1, Open JSC
Monitor Electric accomplished testing of the “System of technological data collection and power station mode control” at the power stations of the Kola Peninsula Branch of Territorial Generating Company No. 1, Open Joint-Stock Company (TGC-1, Open JSC). Testing was taking place from the 7th till the 14th of November, 2011.

Start-up of the station automated dispatch control systems at the Karelia Branch of TGC-1, Open JSC
Monitor Electric accomplished testing of the "System of technological data collection and power station mode control (the automated dispatch control system)" at the Karelia Branch of Territorial Generating Company No. 1, Open Joint-Stock Company (TGC-1, Open JSC). Testing was taking place from the 19th till 30th of September, 2011.

Operational testing of automated supervisory control system at TGK-1, OJSC, Kola Peninsula Branch
Operational testing of data collection system and control of plant regimes—automated supervisory control system at Kola Peninsula Branch TGK-1, Open JSC—has started. On 30 September, integrated testing was carried out successfully.
This control system is based on CK-2007 platform and uses application suite from Monitor Electric for generating companies, which also includes new components of 2010.

Start of supervisory control tools for hydro unit (GA-1) of Volhovskaya hydro
In September 2010, Monitor Electric specialists in collaboration with NPF "Rakurs" completed commissioning and tested supervisory control tools for hydro unit (GA-1) of Volhovskaya hydro from the system that is based on SCADA/EMS OIK CK-2007 in TGK-1, OpenJSC.
System Operator continues change over of automatic LFC systems to unified software-hardware basis
System Operator completed change over of Centralized system for automatic load frequency control of Far East Power System to software-hardware platform of CK-2003, which is the platform for other LFC and SCADA systems.
Use of standardized technical solutions based on SCADA OIK contributes to cutting down operational expenses for LFC maintenance, and also creates optimal environment for extension of functionalities.

OTS Finist is in operational testing in all UDOs
During 2009 Monitor Electric specialists have put into operational testing OTS Finist at SO UPS branches: UDO East, UDO Siberia, UDO Middle Volga, UDO Urasl, UDO Center, and UDO South.
In 2008 Finist software was implemented in Executive Branch of SO UPS and in UDO North-West. Thus, at present time all Personnel Training Centers of System Operator are equipped with an OTS of next generation.

Commissioning of data acquisition, processing and analysis center in TGK-1, Open JSC
In March 2009 in TGK-1, Open JSC "Automated system for Center of technological data processing" is finally put in constant operation after trial performance. Monitor Electric was the general contractor.
Though the data model of TGK-1, OJSC is pretty large, all required project documentation development, equipment installation and precommissioning were done on a tight schedule.

Successful supervisory control with CK-2007 in Belgorodskoe RDU
Joint pilot project of ODU Center and JSC "MRSK Center" in supy control of 110 kV breakers from Belgorodskoe RDU started in 2008. Within the bounds of the project in the end of 2008 a new version of SCADA/EMS CK-2007 was implemented in Belgorodskoe RDU, which ensures supervisory control via IEC 60870-5-104 with functionality of current state determination, command sending, confirmation receive and command execution control.

Start of data collection for new SCADA/EMS at SO UPS CDU/UDO level
On 15-16 October, 2008 in UDO South branch of SO UPS, JSC, there took place a meeting devoted to data collection and entry for Siemens Power CC SCADA/EMS according to Project "New SCADA/EMS for SO UPS".
In that project Monitor Electric performs one of the most important and difficult part of works – data collection and entry.