Demonstration of Monitor Electric solutions for FGC UES
On April, 10 our company organized a six-hour demonstration of a complete solution for Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System (FGC UES). It took place in the Moscow branch office. The advanced software capabilities were shown on the real power system models.
Power&Utilities 2012 Conference
Industrial Days: Power&Utilities 2012 Conference, organized by Microsoft, took place in Moscow on March, 29-30. It was dedicated to IT technologies in power industry. Manufacturers and suppliers of Microsoft platform based solutions for power utilities took part in this conference.
Operational testing of OTS Finist in regional dispatch offices of UDO North-West, UDO Siberia, and UDO Far East
Implementation of OTS Finist was completed at 20 objects of SO UPS branches: regional dispatch offices of UDO North-West, UDO Siberia, and UDO Far East.
The work was done in sequence in each UDO. Customer's specialists were trained in the special Training Centers as the final step of implementation at each specific UDO. Also OTS data model was thoroughly tested.
Tradeshow “Transmission and distribution of power in Russia-2011”
The 14th International tradeshow "Transmission and distribution of power in Russia-2011" was taking place at All-Russia Exhibition Center from November, 29 till December, 02. It was organized by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation together with the Holding "Interregional Distribution Grid Company", Open JSC. About 450 companies took part in this event.
Compatibility of CK-2007 and ASUTP PS based on Siemens equipment (SICAM PAS, SIPROTEC) is verified
Specialists of Monitor Electric and Siemens PTD completed the works for compatibility tests of software and hardware produced by the companies for data and supervisory control commands exchange according to IEC 60870-5-104.
Start-up of the power station automated dispatch control systems at the Kola Peninsula Branch of TGC-1, Open JSC
Monitor Electric accomplished testing of the “System of technological data collection and power station mode control” at the power stations of the Kola Peninsula Branch of Territorial Generating Company No. 1, Open Joint-Stock Company (TGC-1, Open JSC). Testing was taking place from the 7th till the 14th of November, 2011.

Start-up of the station automated dispatch control systems at the Karelia Branch of TGC-1, Open JSC
Monitor Electric accomplished testing of the "System of technological data collection and power station mode control (the automated dispatch control system)" at the Karelia Branch of Territorial Generating Company No. 1, Open Joint-Stock Company (TGC-1, Open JSC). Testing was taking place from the 19th till 30th of September, 2011.

An International Exhibition "Information Technologies In Energy Industry 2011"
On September 6–8 in the Central Exhibition Hall of Ministry of Energy (All-Russia Exhibition Center, Moscow), two related exhibitions were jointly held: "Information Technologies In The Energy Industry 2011" and "Innovation In Power–IPNES 2011". The participants of the event were the country's power plants, design and research institutes, leading companies- suppliers of IT services and system integrators in automation and information technologies in the energy sector.

Complex solutions for a generating company
23 June, Moscow. Monitor Electric held a workshop "Complex solutions for hierarchical automated system of commercial and technological management of a generating company."

Monitor Electric participates in exhibition "Power networks in Russia"
On 30 November–03 December 2010 in Moscow exhibition center there took place the 12th largest Russian power industry exhibition.
Monitor Electric stand demonstrated modern solutions for power industry, including innovations in power infrastructure management in order to minimize accident rate and increase reliability.