“Electrical Networks of Russia-2012” Exhibition
On November, 27-30 in Moscow there took place the 15th specialized exhibition "Electrical Networks of Russia-2012". More than 400 Russian and foreign organizations took part in the exhibition.
Workshop: “Modern IT technologies of data transmission, supervisory monitoring and control”
On October, 9-11, in Moscow there took place the 10th specialized workshop "Modern IT technologies of data transmission, supervisory monitoring and control". Monitor Electric representatives spoke on "Promising approaches and technologies for display of operational information at control centers". General questions of dispatch information visualization, display technologies of CK product line and perspective solutions for new editions of the complex were the main topics of the speech.
Hedgehog-2 implementation at Irkutskenergo
On October, 15-18, at OJSC "Irkutskenergo" operational testing of Electronic Logbook Hedgehog-2 was held.
Monitor Electric specialists also had training sessions for operating personnel. According to the successful results of operating acceptance tests, committee made a resolution about implementation of the electronic logbook.
CK-2007 start-up at LUKOIL-Ecoenergo LLC and LUKOIL-Kubanenergo LLC stations
On October, 10, 2012 at Krasnodarskaya combined heat and power station a telemechanics and communication system (TMCS) was implemented. Its high level has been organized on the base of SCADA/EMS CK-2007.
We got Silver!
On October, 10, at the open sports field of the branch of System Operator - UDO South there was a futsal match among the teams of Monitor Electric, MES South and united team of UDO South and North Caucasus RDO. The match was held to celebrate the National Unity Day. Fight for the first prize burst out between the teams.
CK-2007 start-up at LUKOIL-Ecoenergy LLC
Commissioning of telemechanics and communication systems is successfully completed at LLC LUKOIL-Ecoenergo facilities – Maykopskaya and Belorechenskaya hydropower plants.
СK-2007 successfully implemented in Rostovenergo
Implementation of Operational and informational software complex CK-2007 was completed at "Rostovenergo" branch of "Interregional Distribution Grid Company of the South" ("IDGC of the South"). CK-2007 replaces the previous generation software complex CK-2003, which has been working at Rostovenergo from 2008. During several months the both complexes will be working simultaneously. For this purpose planning information and manual entry data exchange is set up.
Start of new generation State Estimation software development
An agreement about co-development of a new generation power system state estimation software has been reached between Monitor Electric and V.L. Prihno, the creator of the widely used in Russia software suite COSMOS.
Monitor Electric’s flag on the roof of Europe
Yan Sevalnev and Alan Spelnikov, Monitor Electric employees, celebrated the Great Victory Day, May 9, climbing on the highest point of Europe – the Western peak of Mount Elbrus.
We are proud of our sportsmen and congratulate everyone on this holiday.
Compatibility of CK-2007 and SCADA-NPT Expert is verified
Specialists of Monitor Electric and EnergopromAvtomatizatsiya successfully completed compatibility tests of software-hardware complexes produced by the companies for data and supervisory control commands exchange.