
International exhibition "IT in power systems"
On 26-29, October 2010 in Moscow in exhibition hall "Electrification" there was an International exhibition "IT in power systems". Monitor Electric took part in the exhibition, demonstrating its achievements and providing consulting of company's experts to the visitors.

Conference for experts in power systems emergency and postemergency conditions
On special invitation from CENACE-Energy National Control Center Monitor Electric specialists M. Nesterenko and O. Fedorov made three presentations. Company products, integration and operation of CK-2007 competencies, and operator training simulator "Finist" were presented to colleagues from foreign control centers.

Operational testing of automated supervisory control system at TGK-1, OJSC, Kola Peninsula Branch
Operational testing of data collection system and control of plant regimes—automated supervisory control system at Kola Peninsula Branch TGK-1, Open JSC—has started. On 30 September, integrated testing was carried out successfully.
This control system is based on CK-2007 platform and uses application suite from Monitor Electric for generating companies, which also includes new components of 2010.

Start of supervisory control tools for hydro unit (GA-1) of Volhovskaya hydro
In September 2010, Monitor Electric specialists in collaboration with NPF "Rakurs" completed commissioning and tested supervisory control tools for hydro unit (GA-1) of Volhovskaya hydro from the system that is based on SCADA/EMS OIK CK-2007 in TGK-1, OpenJSC.
System Operator continues change over of automatic LFC systems to unified software-hardware basis
System Operator completed change over of Centralized system for automatic load frequency control of Far East Power System to software-hardware platform of CK-2003, which is the platform for other LFC and SCADA systems.
Use of standardized technical solutions based on SCADA OIK contributes to cutting down operational expenses for LFC maintenance, and also creates optimal environment for extension of functionalities.

Solutions for multilevel automated system for commercial and technological control of INTER RAO UES
On 14 July, 2010, in Moscow branch of Monitor Electric there took place a workshop "Solutions for multilevel automated system for commercial and technological control of INTER RAO UES", which main purpose was to tell participants about products, services and competence of the company.

New and progressive Russian solutions for Network control centers of FGC UPS
On 24–25 May, 2010, at Monitor Electric site a workshop for "New and progressive Russian solutions for Network control centers of FGC UES" was held with participation of specialists form FGC UES, SO UPS, CEBM UPS, RTSoft, EnergostroyTelecom and Monitor Electric.

AGORA software complex presentation
On the 23d of April 2010, as part of the process of EMS subsystem development for the System Operator UES, Russia, Monitor Electric , JSC, together with the Spanish company AIA Gruppo presented software complex AGORA (Advanced Grid Observation Reliable Algorithms) , which is designed to monitor the electrical network (topological processor, state estimation, N-2 assessment of the reliability, optimal flows, automated subsystem for mode recovery after power system breakdown - Restoration Plan). Adaptation works lasted 1.5 year.

OTS Finist is in operational testing in all UDOs
During 2009 Monitor Electric specialists have put into operational testing OTS Finist at SO UPS branches: UDO East, UDO Siberia, UDO Middle Volga, UDO Urasl, UDO Center, and UDO South.
In 2008 Finist software was implemented in Executive Branch of SO UPS and in UDO North-West. Thus, at present time all Personnel Training Centers of System Operator are equipped with an OTS of next generation.

Integration of OTS Phoenix – STS TWR
Technical meeting of Monitor Electric and Energy Technologies (developer of TWR switching training simulator) specialists was held in Pyatigorsk under partner agreement on coordination in researches, developments and market promotion of software systems for electric power engineering organizations.