FINIST is an advanced operator training simulator designed by Monitor Electric. FINIST has a sophisticated model of the power system. It allows the simulator to accurately model a wide range of system behaviors: disturbances, outages, faults, system partitioning, restoration, etc. FINIST is designed to seamlessly operate with industry supervisory control and data acquisition energy management systems (SCADA/EMS). This increases the realism of the simulation as the operators train using the same SCADA system they use for real system controls. FINIST has a sophisticated set of tools to configure, conduct and evaluate the training session to achieve maximum realism and training effectiveness.

Republican Unitary Enterprise 'Unified Dispatch Office of Belarus'
Personnel Training Center. Executive apparatus, System Operator of the United Power System
Personnel Training Center. Executive apparatus, System Operator of the United Power System


The function of an electric power transmission system operator is critical in maintaining the system's reliability and efficiency. The consequences of inadequate actions of the operational personnel may be catastrophic. The operator's situational awareness, power system knowledge and skill in handling emergencies under stress are indispensable. This makes operator training, testing and certification key for ensuring the power system reliability. As providing such training or testing on a live system is hardly feasible, an operator training simulator becomes a must-have tool.

FINIST can be used in two modes: operator training and power system analysis.

Operator Training

FINIST takes operator training to a qualitatively new level. Its extensive array of tools makes it possible to configure and conduct a variety of training exercises. FINIST can be used at any stage of operational personnel training: initial instruction, self-education, testing, certification and promotion, re-training for a new system or new set of duties.

FINIST can be used for both individual operator and team practice as well as for practicing operator cooperation between several control areas or across several levels of power system management hierarchy.

The objectives of a FINIST-based training may be: learning the system behavior and practicing operator actions during routine situations; disturbance response drills and system restoration tactics training; equipment maintenance scheduling.

Power System Analysis

FINIST can recreate the system behavior in a particular situation. For example, FINIST can be used to reconstruct a stable system state or system dynamics to match the specified telemetered data of a real contingency. Thus, our simulator can be used as a system analysis tool.

FINIST can be used for:

  • Event sequence determination
  • Post-factum evaluation of the adequacy of operator actions
  • Protective relay operation analysis and configuration: set-point tuning, operation testing, etc.
  • Steady state and dynamic stability analysis
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