Monitor Electric participated in the VII Far Eastern Forum on Information Technologies that took place in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky early in June.
The forum was attended by IT- and Communications Departments managers of companies - members of the JSC Holding RAO Energy System of East, as well as by mainstream Russian and foreign IT companies. The forum participants discussed current and future development projects for the Holding and presented recent software developments and innovative IT-solutions.
The forum was conducted in the form of roundtables and presentations. Monitor Electric representatives reported on the following issues:
- management and maintenance of centralized data model at RAO Energy System of East, developed in compliance with CIM-standard and based on CK-11 SCADA/EMS/DMS platform designed by Monitor Electric;
- management of notifications on operational events occurring within the power system by deploying Monitor Electric solution – Event Notifier (eNot).
The forum was very interesting and rich in events. The participants had a unique opportunity to discuss burning issues in a warm and friendly environment.
Monitor Electric expresses its sincere gratitude to the hosts of the Far Eastern Forum that was held at a very high professional level.