
05-30-2005 | Conferences
Participation in the third scientific and technical seminar "Modern methods and software of the analysis and planning of a power consumption, balances of capacity and the electric power"
From May, 24 till May, 26 in Moscow has passed the third specialized scientific and technical seminar "Modern methods and software of the analysis and planning of a power consumption, balances of capacity and the electric power", organized by Scientific-educational center "ENAS". Our company has taken part in this seminar and has presented the report "Operative - information complex СК-2003.

03-22-2005 | Conferences
Participation in scientific and technical seminar - exhibition "Modern means of telemechanics, the organization of workplaces and control panels"
Experts of our company actively participated in VI specialized scientific and technical seminar-exhibition. The organizer Scientific-educational center "ENAS". Dates—from March, 14 till March, 18 in the city of Moscow.