Exhibition 'Electrical Power Grids of Russia – 2013'
From 03 to 06, December in Moscow there was held an exhibition 'Electrical Power Grids of Russia – 2013 ". This year the exhibition attracted a record number of exhibitors and visitors from around the world.
Monitor Electric took part in the conference “Modern technologies in supplementary education in power industry”
Our experts participated in the conference "Modern technologies in supplementary education in power industry", which took place in Adler on October, 01-03.
The annual corporative conference of “Federal Grid Company Unified Energy System”, JSC
The annual corporative conference of “Federal Grid Company Unified Energy System” JSC was held in Yekaterinburg on July, 23-24. It was devoted to “The results and prospects of operation of the united technological telecommunication network of power industry, automated process control system and information systems infrastructure”.
“Electrical Networks of Russia-2012” Exhibition
On November, 27-30 in Moscow there took place the 15th specialized exhibition "Electrical Networks of Russia-2012". More than 400 Russian and foreign organizations took part in the exhibition.
Workshop: “Modern IT technologies of data transmission, supervisory monitoring and control”
On October, 9-11, in Moscow there took place the 10th specialized workshop "Modern IT technologies of data transmission, supervisory monitoring and control". Monitor Electric representatives spoke on "Promising approaches and technologies for display of operational information at control centers". General questions of dispatch information visualization, display technologies of CK product line and perspective solutions for new editions of the complex were the main topics of the speech.
Demonstration of Monitor Electric solutions for FGC UES
On April, 10 our company organized a six-hour demonstration of a complete solution for Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System (FGC UES). It took place in the Moscow branch office. The advanced software capabilities were shown on the real power system models.
Power&Utilities 2012 Conference
Industrial Days: Power&Utilities 2012 Conference, organized by Microsoft, took place in Moscow on March, 29-30. It was dedicated to IT technologies in power industry. Manufacturers and suppliers of Microsoft platform based solutions for power utilities took part in this conference.

An International Exhibition "Information Technologies In Energy Industry 2011"
On September 6–8 in the Central Exhibition Hall of Ministry of Energy (All-Russia Exhibition Center, Moscow), two related exhibitions were jointly held: "Information Technologies In The Energy Industry 2011" and "Innovation In Power–IPNES 2011". The participants of the event were the country's power plants, design and research institutes, leading companies- suppliers of IT services and system integrators in automation and information technologies in the energy sector.

Monitor Electric participates in exhibition "Power networks in Russia"
On 30 November–03 December 2010 in Moscow exhibition center there took place the 12th largest Russian power industry exhibition.
Monitor Electric stand demonstrated modern solutions for power industry, including innovations in power infrastructure management in order to minimize accident rate and increase reliability.

International exhibition "IT in power systems"
On 26-29, October 2010 in Moscow in exhibition hall "Electrification" there was an International exhibition "IT in power systems". Monitor Electric took part in the exhibition, demonstrating its achievements and providing consulting of company's experts to the visitors.