System Operator     Power grid     Power generation     Power supply     Building    


Year of Delivery Company City Facility typeFacility levelProduct

Year of Delivery Company Facility City Facility type Facility lelvel Product
2003"Interregional Distribution Grid Company of Northern Caucasus", JSCKabardino-Balkaria Energy and Electrification CompanyNalchikPower gridControl CenterСК-2003
2004"Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System", OJSCBulk Electrical System UralsYekaterinburgPower gridControl CenterСК-2003
2004"Interregional Distribution Grid Company of the South”, JSCRostovenergoRostov-on-DonPower gridControl CenterСК-2003
2004"Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System", OJSCBulk Electrical System SiberiaKrasnoyarskPower gridControl CenterСК-2003
2004"Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System", OJSCFederal Grid Company of Unified Energy System OJSCMoscowPower gridControl CenterСК-2003
2004"Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System", OJSCBulk Electrical System Far EastKhabarovskPower gridControl CenterСК-2003
2004"Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System", OJSCBulk Electrical System CenterMoscowPower gridControl CenterСК-2003
2004"Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System", OJSCBulk Electrical System North-WestSt. PetersburgPower gridControl CenterСК-2003
2004"Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System", OJSCBulk Electrical System VolgaSamaraPower gridControl CenterСК-2003
2004"Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System", OJSCBulk Electrical System SouthZheleznovodskPower gridControl CenterСК-2003
2005"INTER RAO United Energy System", OJSCINTER RAO UESMoscowPower supplyControl CenterСК-2003
2005«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCCentral Dispatch OfficeMoscowSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2005«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCUnified Dispatch Office North-WestSt. PetersburgSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2005"INTER RAO United Energy System", OJSCINTER RAO UESMoscowPower generationControl CenterСК-2003
2006«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCUnified Dispatch Office Middle VolgaSamaraSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2006"The Open Joint-Stock Second Generation Company of the wholesale power market"EnergoTrading LLCMoscowPower generationControl CenterСК-2003
2006"Irkutskenergo", JSCIrkutskenergoIrkutskPower gridControl CenterСК-2003
2006"Yenisei Territorial Generating Company (TGC-13)", JSCKrasnoyark power generation systemKrasnoyarskPower generationControl CenterСК-2003
2006"Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System", OJSCBulk Electrical Grid West SiberiaSurgutPower gridControl CenterСК-2003
2007"Rosenergoatom Concern", OJSCCrisis CenterMoscowPower generationControl CenterСК-2007
2007"Southern Generating Company Territorial Generating Company #8", LLCAstrakhan TPP-2AstrakhanPower generationStationСК-2007
2007"Rosenergoatom Concern", OJSCBalakovo NPPBalakovoPower generationStationСК-2007
2007"Southern Generating Company Territorial Generating Company #8", LLCVolgodonsk TPP-1VolgodonskPower generationStationСК-2007
2007"Southern Generating Company Territorial Generating Company #8", LLCKamyshin TPPKamyshinPower generationStationСК-2007
2007"MOSENERGO", OAOMOSENERGOMoscowPower generationControl CenterСК-2003
2007"Rosenergoatom Concern", OJSCThe Kola Peninsula NPPPoliarnye zoriPower generationStationСК-2007
2007"Rosenergoatom Concern", OJSCCommercial Dispatch CenterMoscowPower generationControl CenterСК-2007
2007"Southern Generating Company Territorial Generating Company #8", LLCAstrakhan GRESAstrakhanPower generationStationСК-2007
2007"Southern Generating Company Territorial Generating Company #8", LLCKamensk TPPKamensk-ShakhtinskyPower generationStationСК-2007
2007"Southern Generating Company Territorial Generating Company #8", LLCVolgograd TPP-3VolgogradPower generationStationСК-2007
2007"Interregional Distribution Grid Company of Centre and Volga Region", JSCUdmurtenergoIzhevskPower gridControl CenterСК-2003
2007"Rosenergoatom Concern", OJSCKursk NPPKurchatovPower generationStationСК-2007
2007"Southern Generating Company Territorial Generating Company #8", LLCKislovodsk TPPKislovodskPower generationStationСК-2007
2007"Southern Generating Company Territorial Generating Company #8", LLCRostov TPP-2Rostov-on-DonPower generationStationСК-2007
2007"Southern Generating Company Territorial Generating Company #8", LLCKaspiysk TPPKaspiiskPower generationStationСК-2007
2007Republican Unitary Enterprise "Unified Dispatch Office of Belarus"RUE Unified Dispatch Office of BelarusMinskSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2007"Rosenergoatom Concern", OJSCLeningrad NPPSosnovy BorPower generationStationСК-2007
2007"Southern Generating Company Territorial Generating Company #8", LLCVolgograd GRESVolgogradPower generationStationСК-2007
2007"Rosenergoatom Concern", OJSCSmolensk NPPSmolenskPower generationStationСК-2007
2007"Southern Generating Company Territorial Generating Company #8", LLCMakhachkala TPPMakhachkalaPower generationStationСК-2007
2007"The Sixth Wholesale Power Market Generating Company (OGK-6)", JSCNovocherkasskaya GRESNovocherkasskPower generationStationСК-2007
2007"Tyumen Electricity sale company", JSCTyumen Electricity sale company, JSCSurgutPower supplyControl CenterСК-2007
2007"Rosenergoatom Concern", OJSCNovovoronezh NPPNovovoronezhPower generationStationСК-2007
2007"Southern Generating Company Territorial Generating Company #8", LLCVolgograd TPP-2VolgogradPower generationStationСК-2007
2007"Rosenergoatom Concern", OJSCBeloyarskaya NPPZarechnyPower generationStationСК-2007
2007"Southern Generating Company Territorial Generating Company #8", LLCVolgodonsk TPP-2VolgodonskPower generationStationСК-2007
2007"Southern Generating Company Territorial Generating Company #8", LLCVolzhski TPP-1VolzhskyPower generationStationСК-2007
2007"Rosenergoatom Concern", OJSCVolgodonsk NPPVolgodonskPower generationStationСК-2007
2007"Southern Generating Company Territorial Generating Company #8", LLCTsimlyansk HPPTsimlyanskPower generationStationСК-2007
2007"Southern Generating Company Territorial Generating Company #8", LLCVolzhski TPP-2VolzhskyPower generationStationСК-2007
2007"Rosenergoatom Concern", OJSCKalinin NPPUdomlyaPower generationStationСК-2007
2007Bashkir open joint-stock company of the power industry and electrification “Bashkirenergo” BashkirenergoUfaPower gridControl CenterСК-2003
2008«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCBelgorod Regional Dispatch OfficeBelgorodSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2008"Territorial Generating Company #1", OJSCNevsky BranchSt. PetersburgPower generationControl CenterСК-2007
2008«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCIrkutsk Regional Dispatch OfficeIrkutskSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2008"Southern Generating Company Territorial Generating Company #8", LLCKrasnodar TPPKrasnodarPower generationStationСК-2007
2008«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCTver Regional Dispatch OfficeTverSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2008"Engineering and Construction Management Centre of Unified Energy System", JSCEngineering and Construction Management Centre Volga SamaraPower gridControl CenterСК-2007
2008«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCTumen Regional Dispatch OfficeTyumenSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2008"Technical Inspection of the Unified Power System", JSCTechnical Inspection of the Unified Power SystemNovosibirskPower gridControl CenterСК-2003
2008"Southern Generating Company Territorial Generating Company #8", LLCKrasnaya Polyana HPPKrasnaya PolyanaPower generationStationСК-2007
2008«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCSverdlovsk Regional Dispatch OfficeYekaterinburgSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2008«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCUnified Dispatch Office SouthPyatigorskSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2008"Southern Generating Company Territorial Generating Company #8", LLCBelorechensk HPPBelorechenskPower generationStationСК-2007
2008«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCUnified Dispatch Office North-WestSt. PetersburgSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2003
2008«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCChelyabinsk Regional Dispatch OfficeChelyabinskSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2008«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCLeningrad Regional Dispatch OfficeSt. PetersburgSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2008"Southern Generating Company Territorial Generating Company #8", LLCMaikop HPPMaikopPower generationStationСК-2007
2008«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCUnified Dispatch Office UralsYekaterinburgSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2003
2008«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCTumen Regional Dispatch OfficeTyumenSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2008«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCUnited Dispatch Office North-WestSt. PetersburgSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2008"INTER RAO United Energy System", OJSCSochi CHP SochiPower generationStationСК-2007
2008«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCBaltic Regional Dispatch OfficeKaliningradSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2008«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCUnified Dispatch Office UralsYekaterinburgSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2008«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCMoscow Regional Dispatch OfficeMoscowSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2008"Magadanenergo", OJSCMagadanenergoMagadanPower gridControl CenterСК-2007
2008«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCTatarstan Regional Dispatch OfficeKazanSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2009"Interregional Distribution Grid Company of Volga", JSCChuvashenergo Branch of IDGC of Volga, JSCCheboksaryPower gridControl CenterСК-2003
2009«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCSmolensk Regional Dispatch OfficeSmolenskSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2009«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCNizhny Novgorod Regional Dispatch OfficeNizhny NovgorodSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2009«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCUnified Dispatch Office SiberiaKemerovoSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2003
2009«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCSystem Operator of the United Power SystemMoscowSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2009«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCKostroma Regional Dispatch OfficeKostromaSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2009«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCSaratov Regional Dispatch OfficeSaratovSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2009«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCUnified Dispatch Office Far EastKhabarovskSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2003
2009«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCUnified Dispatch Office CenterMoscowSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2009«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCNovosibirsk Regional Dispatch OfficeNovosibirskSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2009«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCNorth Caucasus Regional Dispatch OfficePyatigorskSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2009"RAO Energy System of East", JSCEnergy System of EastKhabarovskPower generationControl CenterСК-2007
2009«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCUnified Dispatch Office SiberiaKemerovoSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2009«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCBashkiria Regional Dispatch OfficeUfaSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2009«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCRostov Regional Dispatch OfficeRostov-on-DonSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2009"RAO Energy System of East", JSCEnergy System of EastKhabarovskPower gridControl CenterСК-2007
2009«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCUnified Dispatch Office Middle VolgaSamaraSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2009«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCBuryatia Regional Dispatch OfficeUlan-UdeSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2009«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCKuzbass Regional Dispatch OfficeKemerovoSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2009«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCUnified Dispatch Office Far EastKhabarovskSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2009"Territorial Generating Company #1", OJSCThe Republic of Karelia BranchZolotets (small town)Power generationControl CenterСК-2007
2009«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCKrasnoyarsk Regional Dispatch OfficeKrasnoyarskSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2009«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCSamara Regional Dispatch OfficeSamaraSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2009"Territorial Generating Company #1", OJSCThe Kola Peninsula BranchKandalakshaPower generationControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCPerm Regional Dispatch OfficePermSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCAmur Regional Dispatch OfficeBlagoveshchenskSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCUnified Dispatch Office North-WestSt. PetersburgSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCThe Komi Republic Regional Dispatch OfficeSyktyvkarSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCThe Republic of Dagestan Regional Dispatch OfficeMakhachkalaSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010"Monitor Electric", JSCHead OfficePyatigorskBuildingBuildingСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCYaroslavl Regional Dispatch OfficeYaroslavlSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCNovgorod Regional Dispatch OfficeVeliky NovgorodSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010"IES-Trading", LLCPerm Trading BranchPermPower generationControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCRegional Dispatch Office of Primorsky KrayVladivostokSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCArkhangelsk Regional Dispatch OfficeArkhangelskSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCUnified Dispatch Office CenterMoscowSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCKuban Regional Dispatch OfficeKrasnodarSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCTransbaical Regional Dispatch OfficeChitaSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCSystem Operator of the United Power SystemMoscowSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCOmsk Regional Dispatch OfficeOmskSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCRyazan Regional Dispatch OfficeRyazanSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCAstrakhan Regional Dispatch OfficeAstrakhanSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCSaratov Regional Dispatch OfficeSaratovSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCKurgan Regional Dispatch OfficeKurganSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCIvanovo Regional Dispatch OfficeIvanovoSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCUnified Dispatch Office UralsYekaterinburgSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010"Samara Electricity Grid Company", JSCSamara Electricity Grid CompanySamaraPower gridControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCOrenburg Regional Dispatch OfficeOrenburgSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCUlyanovsk Regional Dispatch OfficeUlyanovskSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCVladimir Regional Dispatch OfficeVladimirSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010"Far Eastern Generating Company", OJSCFar Eastern Generating CompanyKhabarovskPower generationControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCKursk Regional Dispatch OfficeKurskSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCThe Republic of Karelia Regional Dispatch OfficePetrozavodskSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCUnified Dispatch Office SiberiaKemerovoSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCAltai Regional Dispatch OfficeBarnaulSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCPenza Regional Dispatch OfficePenzaSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCKhabarovsk Regional Dispatch OfficeKhabarovskSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCVolgograd Regional Dispatch OfficeVolgogradSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010"Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System", OJSCSituation Analysis Center of Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy SystemMoscowPower gridControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCLipetsk Regional Dispatch OfficeLipetskSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCUnified Dispatch Office Middle VolgaSamaraSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCKirov Regional Dispatch OfficeKirovSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCKhakassia Regional Dispatch OfficeAbakanSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCVologda Regional Dispatch OfficeVologdaSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010"Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System", OJSCKuzbass Bulk Electrical Grid Facility (Bulk Electrical System Siberia)KemerovoPower gridControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCThe Marij-El Republic Regional Dispatch OfficeYoshkar-OlaSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCUnified Dispatch Office SouthPyatigorskSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCThe Kola Peninsula Regional Dispatch OfficeMurmashi (small town)System OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCUnified Dispatch Office SouthPyatigorskBuildingBuildingСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCChuvashia Regional Dispatch OfficeCheboksarySystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCVoronezh Regional Dispatch OfficeVoronezhSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCMordovia Regional Dispatch OfficeSaranskSystem OperatorControl CenterСК-2007
2010"Interregional Power Supply Company", JSCInterregional Power Supply CompanyMoscowPower generationControl CenterСК-2007
2011«System Operator of the United Power System», JSCAstrakhan Regional Dispatch OfficeAstrakhanBuildingBuildingСК-2007
2011"Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System", OJSCBulk Electrical Grid Facility of Prioksky region (Bulk Electrical System Center)TulaPower gridControl CenterСК-2007
2011"Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System", OJSCVologda Bulk Electrical Grid Facility (Bulk Electrical System Center)VologdaPower gridControl CenterСК-2007