MODES-Centre is a software suite designed to automate business processes of a distributed generation company, such as consolidation and analysis of weekly, daily and operational schedule data at the level of a control center. This data is usually exchanged between generating company divisions and SO UPS data gateways. The scope of MODES-Centre application includes management generating companies and their branches' control centers, power plants.
- Developed communication capabilities and support for secure and reliable data exchange between the central office, branches, and power plants of a generation company under existing and future regulations
- Fast and easy adaptation to changing rules, exchange formats, and regulations
- A unified reference about parameters of controlled objects, which is updated via SO UPS data gateway
- Support for different time zones in different branches
- Data preparation for formation and sending templates to multiple control centers from one generating company office
- The solution is based on modern Microsoft technologies for the industry, which reduces cost of installation and ownership
- High reliability of data storing and processing
- Integration with external software systems
- Development and implementation of specialized components and subsystems
MODES-Centre has a flexible and reliable system of authorization that enables differentiation of users' responsibility for each stage of scheduling and sending of scheduled data to a specific power plant.
The logs register all significant events, which let you track user activity for any period of operation of the system.
- Communication adapter provides interaction with SO UPS data gateways, including sending of prepared models, receive of planning schedules, and notifications
- Transport system manages data exchange between internal subsystems and client of MODES-Centre, which might be system clients and external software systems
- Data storing management subsystem provides individual rules for storage of different types of data
- Events subsystem controls generation and system events storage
- Authorization subsystem controls users' access rights
- Logging subsystem handles MODES-Centre logs
- Business rules management subsystem provides support for the execution of business processes to harmonize data for the preparation of weekly, daily and operational planning templates within the approved routes
- Data testing and calculations subsystem provides creation and management of user data validation rules for the templates and performs calculations based on data from MODES-Centre.
- Reporting subsystem forms report documents based on MODES-Centre data in popular data formats.
- Data export subsystem exports data in *.xml, *.xlsx, *.csv, and other formats.
- CK-2007 integration subsystem exports data to SCADA/EMS CK-2007.
- Electronic LogBook "Hedgehog-2" integration subsystem creates logbook entries on the bases of events registered in MODES-Centre.
- Outage request system integration supports for management of outage requests when preparing and testing data for the templates.
- Notification subsystem manages sending of notifications via e-mail. To send notifications with the help of other widespread interfaces (such as SMS, Jabber, etc.) an additional module may be obtained.
- Business process editor provides tools for creation and edition of various routes of data agreement for the templates of a generating company.
MODES-Centre provides the following functions:
- Consolidation of data exchanged between subordinate power plants and automated data gateways of SO UPS into a single data repository of a generating company
- Data preparation for create of weekly, daily and operational scheduling templates
- Support for business processes of preparation and coordination of data for the templates
- Obtaining reference data from SO UPS automated systems
- Templates data validation for compliance with the rules defined by SO UPS and internal corporate standards of a generating company
- Centralized data exchange with several SO UPS data gateways
- Autonomous client software operation, which gives the opportunity for the user to continue work in case of disconnection with the server part of the complex